
Tuesday, July 7, 2020


Does anyone remember reading in George Orwell’s “1984” about the memory holes.  Out of print, shredded, down a hole—it virtually never happened—out of sight out of mind erased from the public consciousness.  Modernize this with current electronic media manipulation possibilities and the massive amount of mind-diversion info flooding towards us daily, and you have an informed-democracy destroying poison.

This national administration’s outcry of “fake news” whenever its script is challenged, has an eerie ring to it, often creating a real fake news in its own crying wolf.  If good reliable sources of news can be regularly discredited, then we are hostages to the political leadership.  This tactic has been employed all too often worldwide and in the land of the free. 

It was first made most obvious to me, and those paying attention, in the Iran-Contra trials of the mid-1980’s.  Colonel Oliver North testified [paraphrased] -- I lied to serve my country.  He, and many others, promoted the concept of disinformation as a common acceptable method for achieving America’s valued objectives.  Disinformation directed outwardly, and also towards our own nation’s citizenry.

But to quote Jesus, “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.” We must be on guard against disinformation, another tool of the father of all lies.   It’s a free press, a balanced search for the facts, and a full gospel of justice and mercy faithfully lived, that can make us a free people.


A balanced bio on Oliver North
More opinions - We all fail to some degree in living the truth [to be continued next week]

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