
Sunday, February 3, 2013


In our country there is a choice to be made: Second Amendment {right to bear arms}, or Fifth Commandment {one of 10 rules for right living}.  There is the Constitution, and there is the Creator of the Universe, who said “Thou shalt not kill.” This was God’s command through Moses to His unruly people who’d tried to replace God with a Golden Calf.  This order of the Covenant was then perfected by the gift of His only Son Jesus who said not only not to kill, but to love the enemy, and when facing the violent confrontation of threatened death late at night in Gesthemane’s garden—commanded his followers to put away the sword.
Right relationship? Bible to be opened, read, prayed, and taken to heart for answer to become clear.
You can believe in the power of the redeeming nonviolent merciful love of Jesus, or the violent power of the nation state.  There is a choice to be made.   A nation has for its overwhelming directive, its own survival, at any cost.  The overwhelming character of God revealed in Jesus is unconditional love and mercy.  Salvation is assured and survival eclipsed, made irrelevant. We have only to turn to Jesus--His way of living to serve, instead of to dominate.
Miracle at Cana--from windows at St Joseph Church, Port Huron--photo by Rick Ramales
To enter heaven we have to become like little children, not valiant warriors.  Here is a prayer we said with our children growing up.  It asks Jesus’s mother Mary, La Virgen de Guadalupe, for help in our need, and help to follow her last words to us in Scripture—“Do whatever He tells you.” 

Holy card by Fr. Emmanuel Charles McCarthy -- obverse has image of Virgen de Guadalupe
And in Spanish ---
Santa María de Guadalupe, señal del Poder y La Misericordia, no hecha por manos humanos, tu, que estas levantada por La Sabiduría de Dios, al centro de las Américas, en la tilma milagrosa para que todos los de la América puedan verte, le pedimos  a tu Hijito, curar la mordedura  de la serpiente ardiente que quiere destruir  nuestro cuerpo y nuestra  alma.
Mientras, mirándote  a ti, Madre de lo Imposible, te pedimos quitar nuestras aflicciones, como tu quitaste las enfermedades del tío de Juan Diego, para que la victoria sobre ellas, puedan testificar el Amor de Dios, el Poder de Dios, y el camino de Vida de Jesús, El Cristo.
Querida, cariñosa Señora de Guadalupe, nos arrepentimos de todo los pensamientos, palabras y obras que no habían sido según la Vía que Jesús nos enseña, dar  la Vida—el Sermón del Monte.  Prometemos, tratar sinceramente seguir tus ultimas palabras en el Evangelio:  “Hagan lo que Él les diga.”
Ahora, Clemente, Madre de Humanidad, quien está mas  profundamente unida en Cristo Dios, que intercedes con tu Hijo, para que escuches   los gritos de nuestro pequeño corazón 
(Aquí se hace la petición)
Virgen Inmaculada de Guadalupe, mientras  miramos tu rostro de bronce, por favor danos La Paz, con  una mirada de Amor, una sonrisa del Paraíso, un beso curativa de Dios.
                                                        Gracias – Amen
                                                        Salve María......
                                                        Toda Santa Trinidad,
                                                        Ten piedad de nosotros.
Escrito por Padre Emanuel Charles McCarthy
Trad. por Padre José G. Herrera Alcala.
An interesting book that explores the deep hold violence has on humanity, and the hope for change.
Violence Unveiled: Humanity at the Crossroads,   ByGil Bailie
Available at libraries, and Amazon


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