
Sunday, July 19, 2020


A dialogue continued from my article two weeks ago on the problems of discerning truth in the media, FOURTH OF JULY ADVISORY—BEWARE THE FATHER OF ALL LIES.  It came from a long-time friend at our local St. Mary parish who often takes the time to respond to my messages.  Jim is a conservative, competent, compassionate businessman who has travelled widely.  Our viewpoints are often different, but our discussions remain thoughtful and respectful.  That’s a blessing.

I see you’ve started writing a bit of comedy.
“If good reliable sources of news can be regularly discredited, then we are hostages to the political leadership.”
Haha, “good reliable sources of news”. Funny stuff.
Name one...
Your friend,

WSJ, the AP, and NYT, and NPR on the airwaves.  They have journalistic standards and editors who guard the store in terms of reliable, confirmed stories.  Respectable journalism does exist in a few national and local newspapers.  None are absolutely infallible, but these, and others like the San Jose Mercury News, have good editors, and a very good record.  These all contrast the liberal and conservative perspectives in search of the truth. If we have no trustworthy news, we have no democracy.
      Your friend,

I do not trust much that comes from any of the organizations you name, especially the NY Times (the “old gray lady” died decades ago) , and I do not know the San Jose Mercury News. In fact, I don’t trust much of anything that is reported in the media today, and that includes Fox News if you’re wondering.
They’re all in the same boat. It’s all entertainment and sensationalism.
They should not have to balance the liberal and conservative views. In news reporting there should NOT be any liberal or conservative views. It is news. It is facts. They should be reporting the facts. Facts and truth do not have a liberal or conservative bent to it. It is what it is. Tell us what happened and only tell us what happened. Nothing more and nothing less. Show us the pictures and the video and let us decide what we want to do with that information. Let the viewer decide what to think of it.
Do not try and tell me your opinion or your side of the issue. Get rid of these so-called “panels of experts” (I love the word “expert”. It tells me that the person is nothing more than an “ex-spurt” if you know what I mean) and just tell us what is happening in the world without a slant right or left.

Journalism is dead in this country and has been for years. They all want to be the next Woodward and Bernstein. So called journalists today are all about trying to catch someone doing something wrong and to be the “first” to get the story told. Even if that story is untrue or they don’t know all the facts. It is more important to be first than to be correct. No one reports the news anymore, they try to invent it.
It is unfortunate as the country does need a news source (I agree with you there) and none exist at the moment. All of today’s media outlets are nothing more than vendors selling a product. Every one of them. And do you know what that product is? It is you and me. We are the product. We are sold by the networks to advertisers when they show them their ratings. They tell them they have “X” number of millions of viewers or listeners and that they should advertise on their network. We are the product, the media is the vendor, and the advertiser is the customer. So they try to make the news as sensational as possible in order to raise their viewership numbers and sell their air time to the advertisers.
What a person has to do today is read and watch many sources and decide for themselves what makes sense. Do not blindly listen and believe. Be a skeptic and dig further. And use what is in such short supply today…. common sense. If a story seems unreal or unlikely then it probably is. I try to do that but at times I have to step back from any news before it drives me crazy.
Your friend,

     I don't have quite the negative view that you have on the character of many of our reporters and news agencies, but agree with your premise and sentiment, and commitment to do our own diligent search for the facts.  I've read your note here just after having written my latest web article which I think you'll appreciate.  Would you agree to my adding your words here to my article as a guest commentator of often different opinions than my own?
      Your friend,

Jim agrees to my publishing our back and forth on this issue, and, after his read of my second article on the subject of the media, THE TRUTH THE WHOLE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH?, responded—
Well written, Mike. 

May all of us keep striving to reach some common ground on the problems that confront our country and world.  Grounded in the truth, firm yet forgiving, so help us God.
Jesus before Pilate - "What is Truth?"

Monday, July 13, 2020


Discerning truth in our times of prolific fragmented media can be very difficult.  In a drawn out discussion with my nephew this past weekend, we went back and forth on whether Fox News commentators, or NYT and WSJ editors, were to be trusted for the facts.  He’s a committed young evangelical pastor in South Florida who believes very much in Jesus, and also that President Trump is the best choice to lead our country.  Our faith in God is the same, the way in which God would have us direct our political lives starkly different, as are our sources of information.

t is problematic for us people of faith to confront parts of our traditions, and secular histories, that are myth, or misdirections of true faith in a merciful nonviolent God of unconditional love.  God’s truth can open the way.  The way of Jesus is not the way of the world.  We are all caught between this world or Jesus ways in countless little decisions we face each day.  We can help discover ever more of God’s love and mercy in our lives, or we can try to conquer and overwhelm truth playing into the hands of evil means because we think our goals, personal or as a country, are so important.
The mass media, relying on seductive fleeting audiovisual messages that you must follow at their speed with little time for reflection, has brought us to a dangerous juncture.  Print media is being abandoned.  Yet when you read, you can much better compare and substantiate the opinion you are forming and its factual basis.  Words have to stay there in front of you, ready while you determine their worth. 

Video seeing and hearing on an electronic screen is not believing.  The truth required for belief takes much deeper thought, work and prayer.  Consider all the alternatives.  Take time to make up your mind and heart.  Then may we be given the courage to act positively on our decisions.
We need to be well informed, researching and comparing sources, listening to and contrasting information presented by the other sides on issues.  Wise as serpents gentle as doves.  Sheep of responsibility, following the Good Shepherd, and not the blind purveyors of the latest powerful political product line.

Op-ed on media bias by the Columbia Journalism Review
From CJR also, article on TV commentator affiliation disclosure

Illumination by Kathy Brahney

Tuesday, July 7, 2020


Does anyone remember reading in George Orwell’s “1984” about the memory holes.  Out of print, shredded, down a hole—it virtually never happened—out of sight out of mind erased from the public consciousness.  Modernize this with current electronic media manipulation possibilities and the massive amount of mind-diversion info flooding towards us daily, and you have an informed-democracy destroying poison.

This national administration’s outcry of “fake news” whenever its script is challenged, has an eerie ring to it, often creating a real fake news in its own crying wolf.  If good reliable sources of news can be regularly discredited, then we are hostages to the political leadership.  This tactic has been employed all too often worldwide and in the land of the free. 

It was first made most obvious to me, and those paying attention, in the Iran-Contra trials of the mid-1980’s.  Colonel Oliver North testified [paraphrased] -- I lied to serve my country.  He, and many others, promoted the concept of disinformation as a common acceptable method for achieving America’s valued objectives.  Disinformation directed outwardly, and also towards our own nation’s citizenry.

But to quote Jesus, “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.” We must be on guard against disinformation, another tool of the father of all lies.   It’s a free press, a balanced search for the facts, and a full gospel of justice and mercy faithfully lived, that can make us a free people.


A balanced bio on Oliver North
More opinions - We all fail to some degree in living the truth [to be continued next week]