Illuminations by Kathy Brahney
Nagasaki post U.S. atomic bomb - 1945
The news is bad. The
news is frightening. North Korea
threatens the U.S. by building a nuclear weapon. We are “locked and loaded” against them, as in
a Times Herald 8-12-17 headline. This
news is not new. As a sub-headline
explained we’ve been so prepared since 1953.
And they had begun developing a nuclear bomb in 1994, aided by Pakistan [our
erstwhile allies in our Afghan wars.] They
might now be actually able to mount one on a missile, after 23 years working on
it. I wrote an op-ed on this in the
Detroit News, 6-28-1994, “North Korea: U.S. displays a nuclear double
The North Koreans had withdrawn from the Non-Proliferation
Treaty to make their own atom bombs.
They and the rest of the Non-nukes nations had been waiting since 1968,
the date of the treaty, for the U.S. and other nuclear weapon possessing
nations to disarm and destroy their weapons [our part of the agreement]. That was 26 years past due then, and
everyone’s still waiting almost 50 years later.
For the first time this year, we and the other 7 nations
with established nuclear capability [Russia, China, U.K., France, Israel,
Pakistan, and India] did not even attend the Non-Proliferation Treaty
conference which has been regularly scheduled every 5 years since 1968. So at this recent United Nations meeting the
rest of the world voted to make nuclear weapons illegal in international
law. They’ve lost patience, and more
will perhaps try to go it on their own, to join the elite club of those owning
thermonuclear bombs.
If we don’t feel safe at this point with just North Korea’s
aspirations, what will that future bring?
The more nuclear nations the merrier?
The bombastic rhetoric is escalating with both U.S. and N.K. leaders
caught in a war of words. Most
discouraging to me [believing neither wants mass destruction] is that both are
promoting an arms race that will further tax their people, squandering their
resources instead of giving citizens productive work to meet their real
needs. And the U.S. has never faced
countrywide famine as North Korea has.
In the words of former President Eisenhower, “This world in arms is not spending money
alone. It is spending the sweat of its
laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children… Under the cloud of threatening war, it is
humanity hanging from a cross of iron."
Christ and the Holocaust - Chagall
I grew up in the Cold War, born 2 years after we exploded
the only atomic bombs ever used in war. We’d won WWII, but we never had enough
weapons. First there was the “Bomber Gap,”
then there was the “Missile Gap.” A glossy
annual report, “Soviet Military Power” published by our intelligence services,
was regularly passed out to Congress and the media. The “madman” was then the Communist. The Soviet Union dissolved, but we’ve always
had a new madman to fill the gap. Grandpa
Kim Il Sung during the Korean War, the Ayatollah, the Sandinistas, Hezbollah,
Osama bin Laden, Saddam, Assad, Kim Jong il, now Kim Jong Un, etc.. Be afraid, build more, and more deadly,
weapons has been our mantra. Weapons are
the way to win we believe, and being clearly the most weaponized, this is the
pre-emptive message we send to the rest of the world.
s the dominant military power on earth, it is incumbent
upon us to lead in disarmament. “Do as I
say not as I do” will not work. We must
be not afraid to disarm. “What does it
profit a man to gain the whole world if he lose his own soul.” With the great excess of nuclear firepower on
our planet, to do otherwise does risk destruction like the world has never
seen. Someone will make a mistake, which
will cause certain climate change and global warming precipitously, and
unimaginable suffering.
For Christians we are given assurance many times by Jesus,
“Be not afraid.” We must be “wise as
serpents and gentle as doves.” We have
to learn that “those who live by the sword will die by the sword.” Matt. 26:52 We must not be afraid to love even our enemy;
to do unto all others as we would have them do unto us.
We face a N. Korea shakedown threat engendered by both
parties. The most definite effect:
increase of our [and their] peoples’ onerous taxing investments for military
industries. The U.S. has a perpetual “be
afraid” budget. There is a constant
fear-mongering, lobby marketing of our weapons of mass destruction [$100
billion now dedicated to their “modernization”]. We hear a constant counter-message to Jesus’
repeated admonition, “Be not afraid.”
Can we not listen to His words, this Good News, and believe?
Illuminations by Kathy Brahney