I go to daily mass frequently, because I believe we receive there the real presence of an all-merciful God. God becomes part of us in a special intimate and incarnate way, through His Word and the Eucharist. We all need to be unconditionally loved, and that is what is offered to us, and then expected of us in return, for us to share with each other and the wider community. What a blessing!
his past week something I wrote on this was published in Our Sunday Visitor, one of the three national Catholic weekly newspapers I know of. On the conservative/liberal continuum, it would be at center, with the National Catholic Reporter to the left, and the National Catholic Register to the right. The sacrifice of the Mass and the reception of Holy Communion are at the center of our faith. In a time of pandemic and political strife, they should be deep sources of our New Evangelization, spreading the Gospel outward to all in need.
Is Jesus Really There? Yes!!!
From the July 25-31, 2021 Our Sunday Visitor
Reference - https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2019/08/05/transubstantiation-eucharist-u-s-catholics/
Illumination by Kathy Brahney