These are the fruits of a weapons-only, minimal diplomatic respect, foreign policy. In the last decade we've created a new isolationism of the single superpower, encased in military might, clothed in the armor of permanent confrontation. To break out of these mental and political chains we desperately need a foreign-language-competent, fully-funded State Department Foreign Service corps.
I’ve been amazed watching my daughter Bridget’s attempts to apply to the Peace Corps this year. The barriers to participation have ranged from a notarized letter from parents making them responsible for all student loans, to a mandate in her case that could have required the extraction of all wisdom teeth. Application has thus far included required, above-standard-care, dental/medical bills of over $1500 {which we’ve paid as she has no extra money, living & working in NYC}. Application is still incomplete. Peace Corps has become, unwittingly, an exclusive club. Bridget has good language & computational skills, can speak practical Mandarin Chinese with 4 years study at U of M and 3 months intensive study in China. She’s been told that if accepted, she’ll probably serve somewhere in Latin America {does have some beginning Spanish}.
We can and must do so much better. The world needs our bright, ingenious, generous, creativity. Not dominating, exported, profits-driven, military firepower. Let’s begin the transition now; bring a halt to falling dominoes, by fully embracing democracy that serves the common good, at home and abroad. Ask not what your predominant country can do for you, but what you can do for the people of your country, and the planet.